Welcome to Anuraag Family!
Please join us to change mentally challenged children’s world for good!!
SPONSOR A DAY at Anuraag School
- Rs 15,000 will sponsor a Day at the school
- You can sponor a day on your name or your family members name
- "Annadanam" (Special Lunch will be served to the children on your name
Please Click Here to know more

RAJA POSHAK (Sponsor A Day For Ever)
- Associate your name permanently with a good cause by 'Sponsoring a Day' for ever
- through a one time fixed deposit of Rs 2 Lakhs
- Interest earned on this amount will Sponsor a Day on your name or family memebers name for ever (every year on the day you pick)
Please Click Here to know more

Sponsor A Meal
- Rs 5,000 or more will sponsor a Meal at the school
- You can sponsor on your name or your family members name
- "Annadanam" (Special Lunch) will be served to the children on your name (symbolic)
- Consider sponsoring a Meal at the school on the occasion of yours or your family member's special day (Birthdays or Anniversaries)
- All contributions are tax-deductible
Please Click Here to know more